Give us a call (712) 256-9935
Give us a call (712) 256-9935
2 week fill $55+
3 week fill $65+
2 week fill $75
3 week fill $90
2 week fill $100+
2 week full $120+
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Add curl to your natural lashes for up to 6 weeks
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Looking for a solution to mesy brows? This treatment solves that issue. It gives you a sleek, well-kept brow shape for up to 6 weeks. Just brush them into place each morning and you are good to go!
Microblading is creating 3D hair like strokes using microfine needles. This method is suitable for candidates who have plenty of existing hair to blend with the created strokes. Great for those who have darker hair and want more volume. For those who have light and fine hair, it’s not recommended as the strokes will heal to be a bit thicker and may not blend naturally. Plus, there is no ombré option for this technique.
Ombré Powdered Brows is the newest shading technique. It is 100% customizable and is great for anyone who wants a soft and natural look. This method creates pixilated dots to mimic powder filled brows with no harsh front or outline. This shadow technique is minimally invasive, lasts longer and can be buildable from light to dark.
Micro + Shading is the perfect combination of both Powdered brows and 3D hair-like strokes. This method uses both manual and machine techniques to create natural strokes with a soft, powdery makeup finish.